After Refusing To Close Churches, See How Many Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus In Tanzania

President John Magufuli of Tanzania since the outbreak of the current coronavirus pandemic has refused to close down religious houses in the nation. This rather controversial stand which met a lot of criticism within and outside the country is however now proving to be a step of wisdom on the side of the President. 

It should be recalled that Tanzania has shut all schools and universities in a bid to curb the disease, and parliament cut working hours and limited the number of MPs allowed in the debating chamber.

However, while neighboring countries have imposed lockdowns and urged people to stay home, President John Magufuli has refused to close down religious houses in the country. Magufuli at a church in Dodoma said...

“This is time to build our faith and continue praying to God and not depending on face masks. Don’t stop going to churches and mosques for prayers. I’m sure this is just a change of wind and it will go like others have gone,” 

“There are too many threats being spread about corona but this is a small disease and we will beat it in the name of Jesus. I also ask Tanzanians to continue working hard,” he added.

His comment and action have since then been criticized by other politicians who said Tanzania should actually consider closing churches and mosques to avoid spreading coronavirus.

However, it seems that the faith of Magufuli who was once seen praying on the mountain over the pandemic has started paying off. The recent report on the pandemic has shown that even countries who have closed down all religious houses are recording more cases of the disease than Tanzania where religious activities are still going on smoothly.

Below is the current pandemic record according to the latest data by the John Hopkins University and Africa Center for Disease Control on COVID-19 in Africa as of April 12. Read through and see where Tanzania is standing.

Confirmed cases = 13,636

Number of deaths = 742

Recoveries = 2,358

Infected countries = 52

Virus-free countries = 2 (Lesotho, Comoros)

Countries in alphabetical order

Algeria – 1,825

Angola – 19

Benin – 35

Botswana – 13

Burkina Faso – 484

Burundi – 5

Cameroon – 820

Cape Verde – 8

Central African Republic – 8

Chad – 11

Comoros – 0

Congo-Brazzaville – 60

DR Congo – 223

Djibouti – 187

Egypt – 1,939

Equatorial Guinea – 18

Eritrea – 34

Eswatini – 12

Ethiopia – 69

Gabon – 46

Gambia – 9

Ghana – 408

Guinea – 250

Guinea-Bissau – 38

Ivory Coast – 533

Kenya – 191

Lesotho – 0

Liberia – 48

Libya – 25

Madagascar – 102

Malawi – 12

Mali – 87

Mauritania – 7

Mauritius – 319

Morocco – 1,545

Mozambique – 20

Namibia – 16

Niger – 491

Nigeria- 318

Rwanda – 120

Sao Tome and Principe – 4

Senegal – 278

Seychelles – 11

Sierra Leone – 10

Somalia – 21

South Africa – 2,028

South Sudan – 4

Sudan – 19

Tanzania – 32

Togo – 76

Tunisia – 685

Uganda – 53

Zambia – 40

Zimbabwe – 14

According to Magufuli, "Jesus Christ is bigger than coronavirus". But according to your country, which is bigger, Jesus or coronavirus?


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